Interviewing and Hiring Concepts Assessment


Interviewing and Hiring Concepts Assessment

Skills Assessment

The greatest commodity any company has is the people it employs and the customers it serves. Hiring the right people to do the job is the first battle in the war of competition. The first step in retaining and motivating employees is to develop a well thought-out, preferably, recruitment strategy. Those responsible for hiring must know the basics of interviewing, and should be fully aware of the company's employment policy and legal constraints. These statements are what this test aims to evaluate.

Such topics covered are conducting an interview, evaluating the candidate's work history and interpersonal skills, hiring managers, and analyzing turnover.

Tests for Human Resource Basics, Human Resources Benefits Knowledge, Office Management Skills, and Project Management Fundamentals are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 33
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Turnover History
Human Resource Strategies
Interview Process
Hiring Criteria
Hiring Strategies
Time Management
Fundamentals of Interviewing
Tasks Tested Analyzing Turnover
Developing Powerful and Practical Systems
Recruiting the Best
Launching Techniques
Evaluating Work History
Follow-up Interview Technique
Defining Interview Steps
Phrasing Impact Questions
Revealing the True Character
Evaluating Candidacy
Conducting an Interview
Evaluating Interpersonal Skills
Analyzing Interview Experiences
Recruiting Top Candidates
Hiring Managers
Sharing Hiring Opinions
Developing an Effective Advertisement
Challenging Background
Analyzing Leadership Qualities
Developing a Wish List
Identifying Characteristics
Establishing Ground Rule
Communication Process
Recruiting Superstars
Promoting Strengths
Preparing for Interviews
Preparing to Succeed
Understanding Techniques
Preparation for Interviewing Cycle