Cash Handling Assessment


Cash Handling Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Cash Handling test is designed to access a test taker's ability to recognize the various bills and coins of U.S. currency, to add and subtract using bills and coins, and to accurately make change. With this in mind, the assessment presents questions that focus primarily on using the least amount of bills and coins to make certain amounts, working with images depicting actually currency, and simple addition and subtraction. This assessment is appropriate for cashiers, retail associates, and bank tellers that frequently handle U.S. currency.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 30
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Using the Least Coins/Bills
Working with Coins/Bills
Addition and Subtraction
Tasks Tested Least Amount of Coins
Fewest Bills and Coins to Make the Amount
Fewest Coins to Make the Amount
Least Amount of Bills and Coins
How Much Money
How Much Does a Customer Owe
Correct Change
How Much Money in Your Drawer
Three Dollars of Nickels
How Many Dollar Bills
Finding Errors
Twenty Dollars of Quarters
How Much Money Still Owed
How Much More Money in Your Drawer
Customer's Change