Arithmetic Assessment


Arithmetic Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Arithmetic test assesses the test taker's ability to manage simple mathematical calculations and equations. The topics covered include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This test is appropriate to administer to applicants that will be required to conduct simple mathematical calculations on the job.

Paper and pencil may be considered appropriate to provide test takers while administering the test.

Tests for Basic Office Skills and Basic Arithmetic are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Adding
Tasks Tested Adding Double Digit Numbers
Adding Triple Digit Numbers
Adding Mixed Digit Numbers
Subtracting Triple Digit Numbers
Subtracting Double Digit Numbers
Multiplying Double Digit Numbers
Multiplying Single Digit Numbers
Multiplying Double Digits
Dividing Simple Numbers
Dividing Large Sums