Surgical Technology Assessment


Surgical Technology Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Surgical Technology test is designed to assess the knowledge of test takers concerning the preparation of the operating room and equipment along with assisting in surgical operations. The topics covered include healing and wound care, cleaning and sterilization, surgical instruments and materials, and surgical tech environment and duties. It is appropriate to administer this assessment to test takers with a year or more experience as a surgical technologist or technician.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 37
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Healing and Wound Care
Surgical Instruments and Materials
Cleaning and Sterilization
Surgical Tech Environment and Duties
Tasks Tested Healing Stage
Infection Type
Wound Healing Phases
Infection Rate of a Class III Wound
Wound Classifications
Wound Healing First Phase
Plain Gut Absorption
Infection Rate of an Infected Wound
Wound Healing Third Phase
Sterile Equipment
Tube Used to Remove Fluids
Operating Room Surgical Instruments
Mushroom and Sump
Bladed Instrument
Instruments for Laparoscopic Surgery
Lower Incision
Oxygen Level Monitor
Instruments to Stop Bleeding
Drain for Biliary System
Surgical Tech Wear
Wound Care
Tweezers-Like Instrument
Device for Sterilization
Specimen Washing
Single-Celled Organism
Cleaning Schedule
Performing Counts
Surgical Tech Actions
Patient Identification
Vital Sign Monitor
Operating Room Temperature