PL/SQL Assessment


PL/SQL Assessment

Skills Assessment

This PL/SQL test is designed to assess the knowledge of test takers concerning the use of PL/SQL. The topics covered include basic syntax, procedures and functions, packages, advanced features, and triggers. It is appropriate to administer this assessment to test takers who have used PL/SQL for a year or more.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Basic Syntax
Procedures and Functions
Advanced Features
Tasks Tested Autonomous Transactions
Block Structure
Dynamic SQL Execution
FOR Loop
Retrieve Rows from a Cursor
Variable Names
FOR Loop Syntax
Boolean Conditions
Trapping Exceptions
DBMS_SQL Package
Block Syntax
ROWTYPE Attribute
Overloading Feature
Anonymous Blocks
Parameter Mode Default Value
Invoke a Function
SQL Statement Function Call
Formal Parameter
Intact Function Privileges
Create Functions
Object Must Return Values
Data Dictionary Views
Create Stored Procedures
Parameter Mode
Create Packages
PL/SQL Package Specification
PL/SQL Packages
Oracle-Supplied Packages
Package Body Variable Types
Clause to Return Same Result Value
Keyword to Bind Array of Values
PL/SQL Function Result Cache
Fast Compiler Settings
Defined Object Trigger
Compound Triggers
Triggers Timing
Privileges for Database Trigger Creation
Recompile Triggers
Create Triggers