Physician Assistant Assessment


Physician Assistant Assessment

Skills Assessment

Physician Assistants conduct physical exams, diagnose and treat illnesses, order and interpret tests, counsel on preventive health care, and assist in surgery. While some Physician Assistants practice medicine in a specialty field, the majority are educated and practice in the primary care role model. The Physician Assistant assessment focuses on the typical patient situations seen in a primary care office, emergency room, and in the most common specialties a PA may be utilized.

Assessments for Bloodborne Pathogens - Infection Control and several Medical Terminology assessments are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 50
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Pharmacy
Primary Care
Tasks Tested Antihypertensives Side Effects
Medication to Avoid for Child with Viral Illness
Common Name for Diphenhydramine
First-Line Therapy for Heart Attack/Stroke
Proper Use of Penicillin
Use of Vitamin K
Proper Use of Medication
Antihypertensive Agents and Asthma
Food Allergy Medication
Dog Bite Injury Antibiotic
Correct Study for Diabetic Patient
Diagnosing a Child with Tongue Problems
Hearing Loss
Rabies Virus
Quickly Addressing Symptoms
Confirmation with Tuberculosis Skin Test
Initial Symptom of MS
Characterizing Vasomotor Rhinorrhea
Koplik Spots
Strawberry Tongue
Meniere's Triad
Cause of Pharyngitis
Blood in Stool
Femoral Pulse and Blood Pressure
Bacterial Versus Viral Conjunctivitis
Dealing with an Asystole Patient
Aggressive Skin Cancer
Kiesselbach's Plexus
Immunocompromised Tuberculosis Skin Test
Pain in the Anatomical Snuffbox
Season of Legionella Pneumonia
Headache Diagnosis
Cat Bite Pathogen
Evaluating Patient Symptoms
Bull's Eye Rash
Bowel Obstruction in a Child
PSA Test
Test for Renal Function
CSF Leak
Muscles of the Rotator Cuff
Imaging Concerns