Phlebotomy Assessment


Phlebotomy Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Phlebotomy test is designed to measure knowledge of general phlebotomy vocabulary and skills. This test is appropriate for phlebotomists who need to be able to comprehend basic phlebotomy skills and covers such topics as specimens, blood tests, patient and staff safety, infection control, test comprehension, and venipuncture technique. The need to maintain patient and staff safety and proper technique is vital to phlebotomists and is included in this assessment.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 30
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Specimens
Patient & Staff Safety
Venipuncture Technique
Test Comprehension
Tasks Tested Urine Collection
Collection Order
Specimen Tubes
Labeling Location
Needle Safety
Blown Vein Actions
Site Preparation
Venous Puncture
Aseptic Technique
Glove Use
Tourniquet Application
Patient Identification
Equipment Usage
Needle Technique
Needle Insertion
Blood Gas
Site Selection
Blood Gas Collection Site
IV Specimen Collection
Specimen Handling
Test Types
Priority of Specimens