Occupational Therapy Assessment


Occupational Therapy Assessment

Skills Assessment

Occupational therapy promotes independent functioning in individuals who may otherwise require institutionalization or other long-term care. It can prevent injury or the worsening of existing conditions or disabilities. The Occupational therapy profession helps people to build, regain, and develop skills that are important for independent functioning, well-being, security, and quality of life.

This test assesses the occupational therapist with at least one year of experience in various areas, including diseases, diagnosis, physical examination, and therapy.

Such topics covered in the exam are identifying anatomical movements, assessing patients, normal and pathological anatomy, diagnosing conditions, identifying abnormalities, and basic medical terminology.

Tests for Registered Nurse (RN) and Medical Assistants are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 46
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Anatomical Position and Movements
Physical Exam
Clinical Pathology
Medical Terminology
Tasks Tested Identify Anatomical Movements
Understand Important Signs of Neurological Disease
Identify Abnormal Gaits
Distinguish Between Subjective and Objective
Distinguish Between UMN, LMN and Mixed Syndromes
Understanding the Patient Exam
Assessment of Patient
Observation of Gait
Understanding the Criteria for Diagnosis
Identify the Pathophysiology of Disease
Diagnose Conditions
Understand Basic Clinical Signs of Disease
Understand Normal and Pathological Anatomy
Understanding Basic Medical Terminology
Understanding Reimbursement
Understand the Terminology Used in OT
Understanding the Principles of Therapy
Differentiate Between Types of Tasks
Differentiate Between Discrete and Continuous Tasks
Understand the Conditions Treatable by the OT
Understand the Principles of OT Therapy
Understand the Anatomy and Function of Muscles