Nursing - ER Assessment


Nursing - ER Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Nursing - ER test is aimed at assessing the skill level of nurses in the duties of patient care and working in an ER medical environment. Topics included on this assessment cover assessing test results, diagnosing patient emergencies, hospital and patient information and concerns, and patient assessment findings. This test is appropriate to administer to test takers with a year or more experience as an emergency room nurse.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 46
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Diagnosing and Handling Patient Emergencies
Patient Assessment Findings
Assessing Test Results
Hospital and Patient Information and Concerns
Tasks Tested Involuntary Movement
Hematologic Disorder
Respiratory Distress and Wheezing
Cause for Racing Heart and Trouble Sleeping
Electrolyte Imbalance
Absence of Lung Sound
Pregnant Trauma Patient
Behavioral Assessment
Hit by Car
Barbiturates Overdose
Dehydration and Cardiac Monitor
Patient with Croup
Appendicitis Physical Assessment
Right Femur Fracture
Inability to Urinate
Arm Weakness and Facial Droop Triage Category
Brown-Séquard Hemiplegia
Glasgow Coma Scale
Patient Assessment During Blood Transfusion
Head Injury
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Neck, Hip, and Knee Flexing
ECG Rhythm
Cannot Tolerate Food/Drink Triage Category
Status Asthmaticus Analysis
Anticipated Intervention
Inferior Myocardial Infarction
Medication List
Assessment of Cardiac Emergency and Prioritization
Assessment and ECG Interpretation
Renal Failure and Electrolyte Imbalance
Renal Failure and Lab Tests
Shortness of Breath and Chest Pain
Active Labor Act
Hypertension Risk Factors
Dosage Calculation
Infusion Rate
Ineffective Inhaler
Minor Without Consent
Organ Donation Permission
Depression, Heavy Drinking, and No Sleep
Patient Prioritization
Chronic Pain Question
Pediatric Dosage Calculation
Peptic Ulcer Teachings
Legal Considerations