Microsoft Excel 2013 - Normal User Assessment


Microsoft Excel 2013 - Normal User Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Microsoft Excel 2013 - Normal User test is designed to test clerical level users of Excel who are required to edit, develop, and create Excel Workbooks. This test assesses the user's ability to create and develop a basic Excel workbook, including the most commonly used commands for formatting cells, navigation through the application, using formulas, and changing the overall appearance of the spreadsheet.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 30
Question Types Simulation
Competencies Tested Formulas
General Commands and Properties
Insert Tools
Page Layout
Tools and Data Management
Formatting and Editing
Tasks Tested SUM Function
Use AVERAGE Function
Open a Workbook
Selecting Cells
Renaming a Worksheet
Insert Worksheet
Spell Check
Print Worksheet
Insert Chart
Chart Styles
Create PivotTable
Page Orientation
Print Centered on Page
Print Scaling
Merge and Center Cells
Column Width
Text Wrap
Insert a Row
Font Style
Font Size
Format Cells as Currency
Paste a Function
Text Alignment
Insert Column