Medical Collections Assessment


Medical Collections Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Medical Collections test addresses such issues as co-payments, co-insurance, claim denial and general collections. It is appropriate to administer to individuals that have worked in the field for at least one year.

Tests for Medical Terminology, Medical Billing Knowledge, and Medical Claims Processing are also available.


What Am I Buying?
When you purchase an assessment with Talevation, you will receive a credit for our online assessment portal. To access your purchase, you must head to our Login page found in the top right corner. There, you may redeem your credit and generate a link which will be sent to the candidate of your choosing.

How does it work?
Total Questions 29
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested General
Denial of Claim
Tasks Tested Insurance for a Child
Medicare Co-Insurance
Error in Diagnosis Code
Definition of Medical Collections
Claim Follow-up
Pended Claims
Collector Duties
Delinquent Claim
Bill Medicaid Recipients
Insurance Notification
Following-up on Unpaid Claims
Claim Denied Because Work Related
Inability to Pay
Collections - Annual Deductible
Rejected Claims
Denied Claim Because Exam Not Covered
Bill Co-insurance to Medi-Medi patients
No Eligibility
Claim Denied Because Coverage Terminated
Denial Notification
Denial of Claim Because of Lack of Information
Supplemental Insurance
Denied Claim Because of Pre-existing Condition
Claim Denied Because Not Medically Necessary