Medical Billing Knowledge Assessment


Medical Billing Knowledge Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Medical Billing Knowledge test is designed to assess the test taker's knowledge of medical billing procedures. The questions focus on several broad categories: general knowledge, registration, claims management, payment management, denial management and managed care. Most questions are based on real-life situations often presented in medical practices.

Tests for Medical Billing - Hospital (UB-92) and Medical Claims Processing are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 35
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Medicare/Medicaid
General Knowledge
Commercial Payors
Tasks Tested Medicaid Billing of Newborn Care
Maximum Allowable Paid
Medicaid Billing of Hysterectomy
Medicare Timely Filing Limit
Non-Specific Diagnosis Codes
Identical Secondary Payments
PT Authorizations for Medicare
Medicaid Patients with Limited Coverage
Denial of Service with Referral on File
Missing Referrals
HMO Referral
Discrepancy in Date of Birth Listed for Patient
Required Information for Commercial Registration
Registering Mental Health Coverage
Most Important Information
Define CPT Codes
Provider Number Invalid
Define ICD-10 Codes
Invalid Procedures
Payment by Primary and Worker's Compensation Carriers
Requests for Faxed Information
Duplicate Submission
Two Managed Care Coverages
Determining Proper Insurance Order
BC/BS Identification Number Formats
Global Billing Not on Fee Schedule
Electronic Claims Submission Problem
Payor Filing for Bankruptcy Protection
Timely Filing Limits for Managed Care
Pending Information on Other Coverage
Claims Pending Information
Preventing Secondary Overpayments
Cause of Errors
Accident Information Requested