Informix Assessment


Informix Assessment

Skills Assessment

Informix is a relational database management system from Informix Software, Inc. in Menlo Park, CA. Informix is a leading Client/Server development tool that runs on most UNIX platforms. This test is designed to assess developer proficiency with Informix syntax and programming tools.

Tests for UNIX Programming and UNIX Administrator are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 30
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Basic Informix SQL
Data Definition and Manipulation
Transaction Processing
Informix SQL Queries and Joins
Stored Procedures
Tasks Tested Customer Numbers
SQL Statement
SQL Statements
Privilege Names
Creating Output
Underlying Table
New Table
Social Security Numbers
Database Creation
Closing Transactions
Select Statement
Return Statement
Stored Procedure
Error Conditions
Multiple Rows
SPL Statement
Stored Procedures