Dental Assistant Assessment


Dental Assistant Assessment

Skills Assessment

A Dental Assistant assists with a variety of treatment procedures, patient care, using dental instruments, taking and processing x-rays, and prepares and sterilizes instruments and equipment. This assessment covers topics such as dental anatomy, dental procedures, dental assistant role, dental terminology, dental equipment knowledge, and general dental knowledge. This test is appropriate to administer to test takers with a year or more experience as a dental assistant.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 39
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Dental Anatomy
Dental Procedures
Dental Assistant Role
Dental Terminology
General Dental Knowledge
Tasks Tested Identify Surfaces of the Tooth - Mirrors
Identify Tooth Anatomy - Pain Perception
Number of Permanent Teeth
Identify Oral Anatomy - Jaw
Occlusal Surface
Identify Tooth Anatomy - Crown
Dental Specialists - Avoiding Tooth Extractions
X-Rays - Impacted Tooth
Restoration Evidence
Dental Specialists - Root Canals
X-Rays - Single View of Upper and Lower
Dental Specialists - Repositioning
Dental Materials - Cavity
Job Duties
Biohazardous Waste
Supine Position Definition
Local Anesthetic - Heart Problems
Infection Control
Names of Teeth - Maxillary and Mandibular
Charting the Pockets
Teeth Grinding - Guard
The Operatory
Cavity Probing Instrument
Deciduous Teeth
Class II Cavities
OSHA - Universal Precautions
Spacing of Teeth
First-Line Anesthesia
Dental Hygiene
Prevention of Dental Caries
Dental Caries in Children
Teeth Grinding
Health of Primary Teeth
Primary Teeth Development
Number of Deciduous Teeth