Credit Analyst Assessment


Credit Analyst Assessment

Skills Assessment

The purpose of this test is closely detect the knowledge of the test taker in the areas of Credit/Collections, Analyzing Financial Statements, governing secure transactions regarding International Trade, as well as the degree of familiarity with well known financial reporting companies such as D&B and NACM. Additional tasks tested are the reactions of the candidate in credit hold emergencies, interaction with high risk customers and Credit analysis. This test is designed for Credit Analysts only.

Tests for Budget Officer Skills, Commercial Collections, and General Accounting are also available, among others.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 37
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Bad Debts
International Export Sales
Release of Product for Shipment
Establishing Credit Limits
Terms of Sale
Credit Analysis
Tasks Tested Monitoring Credit Standing
Credit Monitoring
Sales of Goods
Credit Analysis
File Maintenance
Protection of Assets
D&B Rating
Collection Ratio Formula
Monitoring Credit Activities
Ensuring Receipt of Payment
Proof of Delivery
Protecting Cash
Monitoring Payment Activities
Securing Receipt of Funds
Blank Rating
Analyzing Credit
Product Return
Eliminating Credit Risk
Low Collection Ratio
Document Negotiation
2/10 N30
Protected Sale of Goods Overseas
Securing Collections
Assigning a Credit Limit
Stable Current Ratio
Working Capital
ROG Payment
Financial Statement Analysis
Maximizing Profits
Country's Currency
Solvency Ratio
Minimizing Bad Debt Loss
Exposure/Credit Analysis