COBOL 400 Assessment


COBOL 400 Assessment

Skills Assessment

COBOL is an acronym for Common Business Oriented Language. Developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s, COBOL is the second-oldest high-level programming language (FORTRAN is the oldest). It is particularly popular for business applications that run on large computers. Although disparaged by many programmers for being outdated, COBOL is still one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. This test is geared toward COBOL 400 and is appropriate to administer to COBOL programmers.

Tests for COBOL II and COBOL for Year 2000 Programmers are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 47
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Files and Data
Processing Statements
Processing Files
Using IF and EVALUATE Statements
Structured Programs
Tasks Tested Processing Data
Defining Files
Defining Data
Advancing Lines
Printing Headings
Using a Control Break
Using the NAME-FIELD Statement
Using the VALUE Clause
Defining Printer Files
Executing Operation
Creating a Keyed File
Using Libraries
Distinguishing AS/400 From Other Computer Systems
Coding Sections
Introducing COBOL
Understanding Divisions
Using Structured Programs
Including Prewritten Entries
Defining Fields
Using the Coding Sheet
Interpreting a Flowchart
Writing an Interactive Application
Overview of the Divisions
Joining Files
Updating Statements
Test Keys
Processing Individual Input Records
Outlaying Capital
Coding to Call From Another Program
Finding Read/Write Errors
Specifying a RELATIVE KEY Clause
Using the Proper Record
Comparing Fields
Assessing Reasonableness
Using Several IF Statements
Using Counter
Using the COMPUTE Statement
Determining Valid Instructions
Using Name-In and Name-Out
Specifying a Packed Field
Executing a Module