AUS-NZ Accounts Payable Assessment


AUS-NZ Accounts Payable Assessment

Skills Assessment

The Australian Accounts Payable assessment tests the knowledge of an accounts payable clerk or an office associate that has a subsidiary duty in the processing of Accounts Payable. This includes the processing of invoices, purchase orders and cash flow. This test primarily focuses on the basic accounting concepts used in the processing of Accounts Payable.

Assessments for Australian Accounts Receivable and Australian Bookkeeping are also available.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 34
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Book-keeping
Cash Flow
Invoice Handling
Processes and Procedures
Tasks Tested Utility Expenses
P & L Statement
Journal Entries
Calculating Worksheets
Trial Balance Sheets
Cash Management
Reporting Income
Important Reports
General Ledger Accounts
Recording Sales
Master supplier File
Master supplier Maintenance
Reducing Paper Work
Accounts Payable Clerk Duties
Emergency Payments
Petty Cash
Calculating Discounts
Calculating Costs
Duplicate Payments
Invoice Errors
Approving Invoices
Purchase Order Procedures
Purchase Orders
Supplier Disputes
Electronic Invoicing
Supplier Discrepancies
Accounts Payable Functions
Eliminating Paperwork