Sage Line 50 Assessment


Sage Line 50 Assessment

Skills Assessment

This Sage Line 50 assessment focuses on basic and traditional bookkeeping procedures and measures a test taker's ability to manage daily business activities using the various tools within the software. The topic areas covered include journals, ledgers, invoices, bank reconciliation, setting up accounts, VAT, and everyday tasks. This test is appropriate for experienced Sage Line 50 users with more than one year's experience using the software.


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How does it work?
Total Questions 40
Question Types Multiple Choice
Competencies Tested Purchase Ledger
Sales Ledger
Sage Line 50 Procedures
Altering and Setting Up Company Details
Tasks Tested Creating Accounts
Invoice Entries
Disputing Invoices
Customer and Supplier
Write-Off Transactions
Invoices and Credit Notes
Create Skeleton Invoices
Offering Discounts
Producing Service Invoices
Preparing VAT Return
Posting Bank Receipts
Customer Receipts
Checking Transaction Details
Creating Bank Accounts
Supplier Payments
Reconciling Transactions
Recording a Bank Transfer
Bank Payments
Error Correction
Backing Up Data
General Maintenance
Deleting Records
Restoring Data
Create a Nominal Account
Missing Invoice
Repetitive Transaction Entries
Generating Reports
Check Printing
Company Vehicle
Creating Categories
Chart of Accounts Category Range
Bank Reconciliation
Financial Year-End
Applying Discounts
Company Preferences
Foreign Currencies
Setting Program Options